I want to get F.A.T.

Free Associative Thought. I want to get F.A.T. ✅ It reduces stress 📶 Increases cognition, creativity, learning and memory. It is the elusive PRESENT STATE mindset. Neurologically we are most trapped in beta frequency, outcome-based, linear thinking patterns. PLAY breaks the shackles and takes us to Free Association. It is one of my constant intentions …

I want to get F.A.T. Read More »


High performers have a magic that others can see but can’t describe. They label it as something *special* about us. Something we “generate”. It’s not. Humans don’t generate anything, we are only a space. A space of consciousness, awareness, emotion, energy, action and intention. The burn~out, dissatisfaction and “never enoughness” for us happens when we …

Generator? Read More »

Our shitty 3-step stress response

Photo by Miles Storey on Unsplash We do stress a very particular way in the western culture. I love this concept because it comes up almost every single week. I’ve done videos about it. I see it everywhere. Clients bring it up in our sessions ALL.. THE.. TIME!! We’re dismantling it all the time and …

Our shitty 3-step stress response Read More »

How labels don’t really empower us… Part 3

Labels only take us so far and seriously.. we all deserve transformation! So where did we get to? Oh yeah, Labels are B.S! Just STOP! They’re just another thing to manage. If you don’t know why, check out Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog series. Our values dictate a bunch of our emotional feedback. If you don’t …

How labels don’t really empower us… Part 3 Read More »

How labels don’t really empower us… Part 2

Why introvert/extrovert is B.S.! Today, I want to talk about introvert/extrovert. I’m going to take you through what labels do and explain why extrovert/introvert is BS. That’s a very unpopular view I know. You’re going to find out why. I’ll then take you through how labelling as introvert/extrovert will take you a certain way but …

How labels don’t really empower us… Part 2 Read More »